Art Basel `18 Artist Spotlights -> Collective Chronicles #9

ART BASEL 2018 - On the Street Guide To Art Basel

Once a year in Miami Florida comes an event that many gather to from far and away called Art Basel. Art Basel is one of the biggest art festival events in the world, it's a time many artists from diverse mediums come to put their literal mark on our beautiful city of Miami. This year I hit the streets of Wynwood Miami to commune with my fellow creatives to create something from the event. I laughed, drank, shot and had some great convo with lots of these artists I admire and know. There was soooo many awesome art and artists I meet that I wish I could've fit all in this video so sorry if you didn't make it in my highlights, it is nothing personal. It was an awesome experience this year hanging with you guys, much respect to all the dope work done! IT WAS A FUN WEEK SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!!

Artist included in this video from start to end & in no particular order. :)
Tony Firpi (Me) - @devious.elements.apparel
Goop Massta - @goopmassta
Angel Once - @angelonce
Ruben Ubiera - @urbanruben
Golden - @golden305

Mitrooper - @mitrooper1
Charity Hannah Grace - @c.graceinaction
Jeks - @jeks_nc

Itse - @Its_itse
Mars - @Sick_qirl
Sipros Sipros - @Sipros_Sipros
Eric Karbeling - @erickarbeling

Surge - @illsurge
Ghost Beard - @ghostbeard
Patch Whiskey - @Patchwhiskey
Art of Nic G - @artofnicg
Kathryn Crawford - @kathryncrawfordart

Chnk Fondue - @chnkfondue
Reilly - @reillyinks

Ernesto Maranje - @ernestomaranje

Rigo Leon Herrera - @rigoleonart
Hec One - @loveismofficial 
Remote - @grafftoyz
Anthony Hernandez - @anthonyhernandezart
Art by Fio - @artbyfio
Brad Jones -

Ashley Elliot - @ashleyelliotart
Ania Amador - @niaamador
Stacey Coon - @stayseaart
Bird Cap - @birdcap
Ian Wilkinson - @ianthepainter
Arlex Campos - @arlexcampos
Julia Gabrielov - @juliagabrielov
Friks - @friks84
George R. Mercado - @observecapturedestroy
Abstrk -@abstrk
Crashone - @Crashone
David Ortiz - @david_ortiz_photography

Music Credits from start to end - 
1. Budda
2. Kid Cudi - Mr Rager
3. Vince El Mejor - D Pdapd Ah B Mbala
4. Spark Master Tape - Tenkkeys (Produced by Paper Platoon)
5. Apoxode - Lion Safari 155
6. Scomber - Modern Love
7. Skill Borrower - Grapewood
8. Look Out She's America

SPECIAL THANKS TO: for letting me use his great photos!

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